Sunday, October 28, 2012

What is it? Contest!

*** Scroll down for last week's photo and answer with the names of the winners***

Sunday November 4, 2012

And now for this week's photo of a item found aboard ELISSA.

What is the name of the round bar with service on it and marked with a red arrow? 

 Good luck and please give the contest a try!. This is the prize the lucky winner will receive. 

Grand Prize:

A beautiful framed 36" x 24" giclée of ELISSA as Fjeld

Last week's photo and answer:

Sunday October 28, 2012




Quite a few of you gave the correct answer of main starboard lower topsail brace!!!!


Congratulations to everyone who won.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


What is it? Contest!

 *** Scroll down for last week's photo and answer with the names of the winners***

Sunday October 21, 2012

Since the last 2 weeks have apparently been very difficult and with ELISSA's birthday coming up, I have found an easy one...I hope!


Good luck and please give the contest a go.  This is the prize the lucky winner will receive.


 Grand Prize:

A beautiful framed 36" x 24" giclée of ELISSA as Fjeld


Last week's photo and answer:

Sunday October 14, 2012


The correct answer is deck cringle.  Identifying the fitting as a  deck thimble is acceptable, but not as correct.

Congratulations to Root Choyse and Rick Bounds for submitting the correct answer.  Root is amassing a very formidable score - she is 100% in her responses.

 The name of this fitting is found on pages 107 & 132 in Masting and Rigging the Clipper Ship and Ocean Carrier by Harold Underhill...and we just last week received a copy for TSM's Maritime library. Please avail yourselves of the wonderful library at TSM.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday October 14, 2012

*** Scroll down for this week's photo***

Last week's photo and answer:

This "item" is one of many that are located along the sheer strake at the fore and main mast. This fitting is one of the ELISSA's chainplates. It is more accurately known as a chainplate palm and is the lower end of the chainplate that is riveted to the sheerstrake/ bulwark interface.

The winners of last week's contest are:
  • Root Choyce
  • Ed Green
  • Janine da Silva
  • Rick Bounds
  • Erich Wagner

Sunday October 14, 2012

What Is It? Contest!

Thought I would make it a little more challenging this week. I have so often heard this fitting referred to a variety of names and seldom the correct one. You do not need to identify which one this is, only what is its name. Part of the idea behind this contest is to educate all of us on the proper terms for the bits of gear we all see or use every time we step aboard ELISSA ~ a kind of vocabulary quiz from the lexicon of a square-rig sailor. I hope more people give the contest a try and remember to look at 19th century British sources for the answers.
I would suggest looking at one of my favorite rigging sources for 19th century British sailing ships - Masting and Rigging the Clipper Ship and Ocean Carrier by Harold Underhill...and we just last week received a copy for TSM's Maritime library. Please avail yourselves of the wonderful library at TSM.

Fair Leads,


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday October 7, 2012

Congratulations to last week's winners of the The What Is It Contest????

  • Rebecca Johnson
  • Root Choyce 
  • Dennis Dornfest
  • Janine da Silva 
  • Rick Bounds

 Be sure to view this week's photo and see the answer to last week's contest by clicking on the following link:  What Is It Contest???
